Recently I read
a debate between Robert
Thurman and Steven Batchlor. Towards the end of this debate Bob
takes the stand that you can't really take the vow to save all beings
if you don't believe in reincarnation and the great skeptic Steven
leaves a very mundane, yes you can. Needless to say, it left a dry
taste in my mouth. So how do we we keep the Great Vow to liberate all
beings, we awaken
Zen Master
Dogen said
“When without
expectation, suddenly you break through the lacquered bucket of the
ancestors* style, and lift your head and hit yor chest [in unmediated
expression], suddenly you attain realization of the way. When one
person realizes the way, self and other together realize the way. In
one morning of realizing the way, past body and future body together
realize the way. “
When the Buddha
awakened he said
“I and all sentient beings on earth,
together, attain enlightenment at the same time.” Our enlightenment
belongs to the universe.